05 April, 2007

webweaving: very, very cranky

Okay, so how is "it should look more similar to the attached" valid feedback re: working code?
(Does it work? Yes. Then where is the issue?)

Is it like "there seems to be some things missing"?
(...such as? My for loops are different than the ones in the example? So what?)

Or is it like "the code could have been more readable and considerably shorter"?
(Yes, without validating user input in any way, if you don't mind having InputMismatchException crop up several times in a row. Or calculating a circumference with a negative value.)

So my work is being evaluated by someone who either isn't looking at the code, or is looking at the code, but isn't really sure what it is supposed to do. Which, of course, hardly garners any confidence on my part for quality instruction.

Going to need to do a line by line code breakdown, Barney style, and ask for some valid feedback. Because I don't need to have my grade killed by a strict "it doesn't look like the answer key" kind of thing.

And Xianzhi, re: "I almost wonder, now that I think of it, if your grader doesn't actually know the language and was "overwhelmed" by your verbosity. It looked different than the "answer" so it must be somehow wrong, even though the code worked."

That's the sinking feeling I have, too.


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