09 March, 2007

webweaving: yet another crypto related nonsense idea

Now, if we're doing a standard DHM style public key-private key kinda thing, then the session key, then the whole pseudo-Feistel network of randomly chosen ciphers/modes/IVs, and sticking the whole thing back together, it'll have defined headers like PGP. Which isn't necessarily what's needed, here.

So what if there's a separate pair of public/private keys used for additional obfuscation? Generate the second shared key, and expand it to the proper length with a given function. Then XOR all the data with the second expanded key. Blam, no more header.


Blogger Nomad Scry said...

At least you know what you're talking about...

This isn't quite what you had mentioned to me with the three key system. So what's this Feistel network thing? Does that relate at all with the system key/user key idea you were talking about?

1:29 PM  
Blogger elegiac said...

I don't know what I'm talking about [grin]

The big data splitting, obfuscating, flipping, and rejoining in a series is a bad imitation of a Feistel network. It doesn't relate to the multi-key idea.

This was a slightly older take on the fly, and if I don't put these ideas somewhere, I'm bound to lose them.

So the idea could be a)public/private pair for encryption,
b)separate key for signatures, and
c)third keyset for obfuscation via XOR or similarly crappy method.

That doesn't take into account user setup/authentication from the administrator's point of view, nor does it include the system key idea, nor any sort of access control. It's a barebones snippet of a portion of an idea.

6:00 AM  

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