Screwing around with the bot code again. And of course, I got to
thinking. That's where the trouble starts.
Current crazy idea is this: have the bot have its data stored remotely for some sort of slightly more high availability setup. Something like a paid hosting account with remote MySQL database access. Try and replicate the data to another MySQL database stored on another server (
here ,
here, here, or possibly a combination of all three.) Could also try writing the data locally to a MySQL or an SQLite database.
THEN, have most of the bot functions available through a password-protected website. The password will need to be set in game. Any of the changes made in game or through the web site will show in either interface.
The multiple database setup allows for a bit of redundancy-- could then set up multiple MySQL users with varying permissions. It'd allow multiple bots to access the same data set, which (if anyone were interested) would mean different people could run the bots.
So no more need for one box to stay on all the time. Not that it does, of course.
And no, I'm probably not going to implement this, mainly because I don't know enough about it yet.
Now, not too many people are going to want to run a bot if it's going to be a huge PITA, especially if I'm going to ask them to go and install MySQL, too. So SQLite would probably be an easier pill to swallow, since I could include the dll with the plugins, along with an altered php.ini.
Then, the web end will either need to have the SQLite extension installed, or let users dl() extensions.
Tricky part will be the file synchronization. Either the bot will need to check its file against the one hosted on the site, or I'll have to do some kind of dumb manual merge.
If it's allowed by the host, there's always
SQLiteDBMS. And for load balancing, there's
SQL Relay. Got a lot of reading to do :D