07 September, 2006

miscellany: never mind the little guy behind the curtain...

Was thinking of using the existing bot's forum code for reports, but the reading/writing to subdirectories doesn't work. So there's only one board with a bunch of posts. Doesn't really work when there are eleven departments that potentially could be filing reports. Also, wanted to try maybe making a separate set of subdirs for delegating missions. And another for contacts.

So. Rather than fool with trying to see about reading subdirectories any longer, I can simply make copies of the forum/posting code, edit each one a little, and have another plugin with a bunch of hyperlinks to each of the subforums. It'll end up looking like working subdirectories, when in all actuality it's a cheap fakeout. Hurray for smoke and mirrors! Then it's just tweaking.

Still don't have a working username information lookup. Bah.


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