28 August, 2006

miscellany: more coding nonsense

Got the directory listings to work. And on the first go, too. Makes up for some of the stuff I've been going around and around on.

Forums work, too. Turns out there was a problem with the original bot forum posting code that made nothing actually get posted. Altered the code to match up more with the e-mail coding, and now it works.

Interdepartmental mail is still buggy-- the messages get saved, but not necessarily sent to offline recipients. Might be an error with how I set up the basic user permissions. Have to double check.

Still haven't bothered with a reply plugin yet, but I'll get to it. Also want to alter the existing user reports code.

Then, all I have to do is see if anyone would want to use and host the damn thing. I don't want to run the chatbot, as it will require always on capability.


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