miscellany: More ideas to code and recode and recode.
Now that the original mailcode works as designed, it's time to add the reply code. So far it's been a bit of a wrestle, but what I'm going to try is having the text link send the prior message's contents and applicable info to the chatbot. Save necessary info to a temp file suitably named for the username in a temp directory as a pipe delimited file. Then, upon an attempted reply, check for the temp file if the sender has the proper permissions to use the system, open the file if it exists, append the needed bits into the new text, and send.
Said brainstorm, of course, should be implemented not into a second plugin with different usage than the original mailcode.
So now it's just time to see about retrofitting the old mailcode into the newer setup. Maybe add forwarding and CC/BCC capabilities while I'm at it, ha ha ha. This will either never get finished due to constant nitpicking, or will get finished, but never be released for general use.
If this works, there's no real reason to use the interdepartmental mail (save some sort of archiving) as it stands-- unless some of the regular mailcode features get added in. Also, the interdepartmental mail is limited only to internal use, so it'll probably get somewhat less use.
Said brainstorm, of course, should be implemented not into a second plugin with different usage than the original mailcode.
So now it's just time to see about retrofitting the old mailcode into the newer setup. Maybe add forwarding and CC/BCC capabilities while I'm at it, ha ha ha. This will either never get finished due to constant nitpicking, or will get finished, but never be released for general use.
If this works, there's no real reason to use the interdepartmental mail (save some sort of archiving) as it stands-- unless some of the regular mailcode features get added in. Also, the interdepartmental mail is limited only to internal use, so it'll probably get somewhat less use.