13 October, 2011

miscellany: renamed the veggie recipe repository

Renamed the recipe repository to more aptly fit its character; hence, it is now Cooking with code: a vegetarian recipe miscellany. It's coding and cooking, or cooking and coding, or cooking and some other geeky thing.

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12 October, 2011

miscellany: cooking with dehydrated gluten

Cooking with dehydrated gluten
; also includes a little information regarding SQL injection attacks.

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10 October, 2011

miscellany: a page for collecting all of the recipes to come.

Recipes to be collected here; notes about random-ish things interspersed within each recipe.

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09 October, 2011

miscellany: some vegetarian recipes

Temperatures seasonal for a bit, so I did a little non-microwave cooking.

Maple and sage vegetarian breakfast sausage Includes a note about grappling hook guns.

Double-fried mushroom and gluten knot cutlets Also, some information regarding simple substitution ciphers.

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