10 November, 2006

miscellany: working on db stuff, more planning...

So switched from MySQL to SQLite 2, and then to SQLite 3. Meant a bit of going back and recoding for proper functionality.

Made a queue for the queries that can write to the db, so that changes will be done one at a time.

Now, need to start thinking about backup functionality. Was thinking of doing daily backups of the SQL (again, only saving queries that write to the db) and a full backup every week. Have to see how best to go about it.

Also trying to come up with a better db design than the hack-and-slash noob one that's being used currently. Reading a bit about data modelling. So the time to start screwing with the db schema is when the sucker's empty, not a few months in when it'll have some badly stored data in it.

Went to the co-op with the family today. All in all, a very pleasant 35th.


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