28 September, 2006

miscellany: Text mangling plugin, check!

The fake cryptographic plugins work.

Encrypt obfuscates text, and will send through idmail. The message recipient has to have a public key on file.

Idmail will show the message with a decrypt link.

Decrypt will make it all plaintext again. Won't work if the user's public key doesn't match the one used to encode the message, or if the user's passcode doesn't match.

Passcode makes the key for encoding the message, as well as storing the passcode/phrase for decryption. One person making keys with the same passcode will end up with a different public key each time.

It's not a terrible imitation of asymmetric key cryptography, even if it's just for "looks".

While it'd be kinda fun to see about implementing some *actual* cryptographic system, it's not really important. It works well enough for in game purposes. I'd never suggest using the thing for anything that actually needed to be secured.

Now, some sort of group-access text mangler might be in order. For the assignments/reports/forum plugins, maybe. And also get back to trying comments for the netlogs. And possibly even taking on the reply/cc/address book for gridmail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gots an idear. !!

When an IGmail is 'trieved, display the sender's head shot in the header area. You could make a plungin' that grabs the web pages for that character, parses the page for the image link, and then includes it into the IGmail file.

That would be shibbie.

9:54 AM  
Blogger elegiac said...

The image link for the head shot is included in the username information lookup (results now infowindow instead of being spewed into the chat window).

Unfortunately doesn't seem to be a way to include external images- all img src are from the client's image databases, and the head shots aren't included there.

And re: the @ thing, the error checking would come in handy. At this point, I've been running plugins through php to try and catch errors before running them through the game.

Though that link I sent you does certainly beat the "atomic" comment. ..

1:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The atomic comment?? Am I being slow here or ... what "Atomic"?

As for the error messages, get that stupid @ outta yer plugins. At -least- until yer progging skills in PHP are l33t.

I'm a very firm believer in learning from one's mistakes. Without mistakes, very little is learned. (Comprehended, perhaps, but not learned.) Hiding the error messages is a hindrance to learning PHP.

12:40 PM  
Blogger elegiac said...

You don't remember the "atomic" comment in the manual? The one where we had no bloody earthly idea what the person was talking about, since the post being referenced wasn't there?
("instead of using file_exists, blah blah blah")

The errors only go to the console. I'm not concerned with them showing up in game, since they won't.

And no, not because I've got some |_33+ skillz, but just because I'm a stubborn bugger. If it doesn't work, it won't make it in. Won't be released if finished, because it'll never be done to my satisfaction. And if it is, it'll always be a work in progress.

Like I said, I usually run the things through out of the game first. Helps me catch errors earlier.

But, if you're going to bust my chops about my (as always poor) coding habits, you could at least have the decency to contribute to some of the *working* code, not the *test* code. (poke poke- arrr! He bit me!)

Will be going through eventually to remove stuff I've commented out. And yeah, extraneous stuff like error message muting. Just not yet. Still more to do. So hindrance or not, it'll have to wait.

Besides, it isn't like I have any real reference to doing any of this. Seat-of-the-pants and learn as you go. Fine for now. I'm enough of a hindrance to learning PHP on my own, error messages or not. :D

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

-- Atomic comment. Still makes no damn sense. Safe to presume author is dumbass?

I am -NOT- busting your chops. You are probably doing a better job right now than I would. I'm too stuck on the old procedural way, can't seem to get my head into the OO way.

Did you know http://www.vue.com/zend/?

9:46 AM  
Blogger elegiac said...

Bro, why aren't you? I'd bust your chops. Hey, I do all the time :D

Got the lookup for the character profiles on that other site more or less working. Formatting is a bit screwy (too many new lines somewhere), but it works.

Had to do a search for the name, then do some other nonsense to get the right url, then open the next webpage, and then chop up the HTML some. Not integrated into anything at the moment, but once I've cleaned up all the comments and removed extraneous nonworking attempts, it'll get added into the whois lookup as a clicklink.

Have to send you the new stuff to check over. Hope you're getting some sleep.

11:22 PM  

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