24 June, 2006

miscellany: a bit of wandering memory...

Remembered the old password for the original TMP site at GeoCities. Put up a temp redirect to the page at DS (.net, not .com). The webring we started back in 1996 apparently still exists-- though it's dwindled down to less than 25 sites. And the new admin changed the damn picture. Couldn't be buggered to change the description I wrote, naturally-- funny, when it was intended to be a writing ring of sorts. Just changed the picture.

Checked on a bunch of the old domain names-- three occupied, several still vacant. Managed to get one of them back in January.

I hate domain name snipers, hate 'em to itsy bitsy little pieces. Imagine seeing someone else wearing a tattoo that you designed for yourself. That's what I get for being broke when domain renewal time came around (more than once).

Bitter. Nothing new, there.


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